Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code
Melty Blood: Actress Again Current Code Cheats For PC • Secret fight against Eclipse ver Archetype Earth To fight against this version of Archetype Earth, you have to 1) Win every fight 2) Win at least one battle with PERFECT 3) Win several battles with Arc Drive Finish 4) Have over 2000000 points by the end of match 7 After fulfilling the above conditions, during match 7 (after the first or second battle), 'New Challenger' screen will pop up and you'll engage in the fight against Archetype Earth (Eclipse ver). Contributed by: NeoRequiem • Steam Achievements Achievement Won a round with an Another Arc Drive.
Sucked over 2000hp from the opponent in a single round while using Sion TATARI. Activated 'Pluto die Schwester' twice in a single round using while Red Arcueid. Spawned over 20 necoarcs in a single round.
Necoarc wars? Landed 'How About I Play With You For a Bit?' Successfully on either Tohno Shiki or Nanaya Shiki, while using Arcueid. 18-part Dissections Burn you opponent with crawling. Do not try this at home. About time you get me a special ending cutscene god Absorbed over 100% worth of Magic Circuit off the opponent in a single round while using Tohno Akiha. All of yours shall belong to me Won your first match in 'RANK MATCH'.
Melty Blood: Actress Again Current Code is an Action game, developed by Ecole and published by Type-Moon, which was released in Japan in 2011. Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code (Arcade, PC [reviewed]) Developer: French Bread, Type-Moon, Ecole Software Publisher: Arc System Works Released: July 29, 2010.
An Easy Victory-nya! Played in all stages. Bountiful Nights Charged more than 100% worth of gauge in a single round.
Performed Shield Bunker. 4ch Usb Dvr Driver Windows 7 64 Bits on this page. Corporal Punishment!
Activated 'Night On the Blood Liar(Unzanity)' thrice in a single round while using Warachia. Won a round with an Arc Drive. Did you enjoy? Changed form into a cat while using White Len. Don't lump me in together with those clowns! Landed 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception Seven Worlds End' at close range while using Ryougi Shiki. Don't worry, it's painful Activated 'Multi-Weapon Service' 10 times in a single round while using Koha&Mech.
Dream combination ♪ Accumulated a total of 666 normal hits over the course of the game using Nrvnqsr Chaos. Genes of the Beasts Finished a combo with a Reverse Beat. Get out of my way! Star Trek Where No Man Has Gone there.
Performed Shield Cancel with an attack. Clear ARCADE mode.
Hologram Summer Replay Landed 2 EX-Edges in a single combo while using Miyako. I have trained in Kung-fu for this! Performed EX Shield. I saw through this! Divided Arcueid into 'Seventeen Dissections' while using Tohno Shiki.
I'll have you take responsibility for killing me, okay Swapped the characters before the start of a round while using Hisui&Kohaku. I'm counting on you~♪ Won 50 times in 'RANK MATCH'. I'm feeling good, good, oh so good! Used 'Repeat Magic' twice in a single round while using Aozaki Aoko. I'm not pulling no punches~ Performed EX guard. I've read this Landed 'Fake Reality Marble: Twirling Hisui World' successfully while using Hisui.
It's not like I like to make mistakes Chose and played all 3 styles of a character. It's not my fault that I'm too strong! Performed ground recovery.
It's nothing! Stayed in the air for over 15 counts of the timer in a single round while using Archetype:Earth.
Just enjoying myself Stayed in TRAINING mode for 15 minutes consequtively. Keep going at it til I'm satisfied Landed 'Flashing Sprint: Six Hares' twice in a single combo while using Nanaya Shiki. Kickin' through! Activated Ex-Edge five times in a single round while using Kishima Kouma. KishiMAX Used 'Secret Coat of Arms: Thunder Isolation' and charged over 20 lightning stocks in a single round while using Roa.