A General Introduction To The Bible Norman Geisler Pdf

A General Introduction To The Bible Norman Geisler Pdf 4,2/5 4702reviews

This book has four parts: inspiration, canonicity, transmission, and translation. The general conclusion of the book sums it up well: The general purpose of this book has been twofold: historical and theological. Historically and critically, it has been an attempt to answer the question as to whether the Bible of the twentieth century, based as it is on the critical Hebrew and Greek texts, is a faithful reproduction of the books produced by its original authors. The answer is by now obvious, and This book has four parts: inspiration, canonicity, transmission, and translation. The general conclusion of the book sums it up well: The general purpose of this book has been twofold: historical and theological.

A General Introduction To The Bible Norman Geisler Pdf

Historically and critically, it has been an attempt to answer the question as to whether the Bible of the twentieth century, based as it is on the critical Hebrew and Greek texts, is a faithful reproduction of the books produced by its original authors. The answer is by now obvious, and it is this: No book from antiquity comes to the modern world with greater evidence for its authenticity than does the Bible. Both the kind and the amount of evidence that supports the fidelity of the present critical text are greater than for any other book from the ancient world. Directly related to this historical conclusion is a theological one. Imperium Le Guerre Puniche Ita Pc here.

For if there is overwhelming evidence that the biblical documents are genuine and authentic -- that they stem from alleged periods and authors -- then one must face seriously their persistent claim to divine inspiration. When these claims are thoroughly examined and honestly faced, one can but conclude that the Bible as a whole claims to be the Word of God, and the evidence confirms this claim. Along with the question as to whether the books of the Bible are divinely inspired, it has been necessary to address the kindred question as to which books of the Bible are inspired, that is, the question of canonicity. One statement will suffice as a summary for both this and the foregoing question. The sixty-six books of the Protestant Bible known today are the entire and complete canon of inspired Scripture, handed down through the centuries without substantial change or any doctrinal variation. Now, that is what they think. Predictably, as an atheist, I disagree that their arguments are as conclusive as they think they are.

Evergreen Love Songs English Mp3. Their arguments tend to be rather one sided. When they agree with a point, they only consider the evidence that agrees with that position. When they disagree with a point, they dwell nearly exclusively on anything negative which can be said of this view. Now, this may not be an invalid method of arguing in the social sciences, but when one is making the claims these authors make about the Bible, I expect a higher standard than one would use to argue, for example, deeper meanings behind Oliver Twist. The authors even explicitly spell out their bias on page 156: Any results of higher criticism that are contrary to [the orthodox view of the Bible] are incompatible with the traditional doctrine of the inspiration and authority of Scripture. Such contrary views of Scripture are actually unorthodox.